WHNA Board Members

Our Volunteers

The Wilshire Heights Neighborhood Association is a Dallas non-profit, volunteer group and our Board Members are the contact points for the association. Board Members volunteer their time and talents to keep our association going.

The WHNA Board provides a contact point between our neighborhood and city services such as Crime Reporting, Zoning, Traffic issues and city events. Our Block Captains extend that communication down to the neighbors on their block, and that is a two-way communication. When your Block Captain has your email address, you’ll receive the twice-monthly WHNA Crime Watch email with recent crime trends, news from the city, and news about upcoming neighborhood events. This connection lets you send in concerns, or new ideas, to help the board and the city to keep Wilshire Heights a great place to live.

Position Name Street
PresidentAnn KrugMartel
Vice PresidentMark MoynahanMartel
SecretaryBeth BryantMartel
TreasurerRichard JosephMcCommas
DirectorCarol MatternWinton
DirectorCharles MauzyMcCommas
DirectorGil HickoxAnita
DirectorLauren GrogmanAnita
DirectorLinda FarinaMartel
DirectorLiz SochEllsworth
DirectorRyan GrogmanAnita
DirectorSusan HickoxAnita
DirectorTricia McMahonMalcolm